«Vladmiva» — is a large holding, which includes companies, which are engaged into development and manufacturing of materials, tools and equipment for dentistry, multidivisional Trade House, which is active both in internal market and in exports activities, as well as the largest dentist clinics in Belgorod.
Today, «Vladmiva» is the brand, which is known, perhaps to all dentists of Russia and neighboring countries. This is the largest Russian manufacturer, which produces over 300 positions of dental products, which is exported in over 40 countries of the world.
This is the largest Russian manufacturer, which produces, over 300 positions of dental products, which is exported in over 75 countries of the world.
The products of the enterprise are the result of extensive interaction of scientific Research and Development department with their colleagues from Russian universities and Scientific Centers, dental universities, as well as dentists and dental technicians.

The major aim activities of the enterprise — is participation in the process of import-substitution
The major aim activities of the enterprise - is participation in the process of import-substitution, when for every expensive, high quality imported dental material, which is in demand at Russian market, we develop a Russian analogue, which possess similar consumer properties, but has low cost in production, and as result, - low price.
One of the major and rather prospective lines of our activities - is the development of broad assortment of restorative materials, combining which, a dentist could gain optimal results in every definite clinical situation.
Today we can propose to dentists a broad list of biocompatible osteoplastic materials for surgery dentistry and maxillofacial surgery
Every new material - is the result of accurate marketing and scientific research and constant attention of the company to the growing demands of the market. We observe revolutionary changes in the recent years in the field of development of dental materials and technologies of their application.
Dental burs with diamond heads “RosBel” are produced since 2005 at our factory. A broad assortment by working part forms and diamond powders graininess(over 400 working forms) solves the issues of rational and quiality treatment.
Constant work on optimization of system of quality of the products is performed on the enterprise.

In 2012-2013 certificates on several products on accordance to Directive 93/42 EEC were obtained, which gives us the right to mark our products with CE marking, and is the indicator of correspondence of our products to international quality standards.
History of the company

23 September
Birthday of the company "VladMiVa"

Service start

Opening of a commercial department and a store of dental materials in Belgorod
This year the "Technical Department" was created

Opening of branches in Stary Oskol, Orel, Kursk and a joint venture in Lithuania
Organization of departments for the purchase, sale and delivery of goods. Development of production technologies for more than 10 dental materials.

Since 1997 the company has been a member of the Dental Association of Russia.

Opening of the "Experimental Experimental Plant"
Serial production of dental materials started
Created: "Department of technical control" and "RMU"
The firm "VladMiVa" was recognized by StAR as the best domestic manufacturer
in the nomination "Dental materials".

LLC Trading House VladMiVa was registered
Opening of the “Trading House “VladMiVa”.
The first printed edition of the catalog "DENTAL PROGRAM" (69 items of materials, A5 format, b/w printing, 84 pages)

Joint development with the company "Pulse" (Korolev) and "Stomel" (Voronezh) of dental equipment.
Own production of dental furniture and equipment has been established.
Created "Scientific Department"

Since May, a new Trading House has been opened for visitors with a spacious exhibition hall, a specialized pharmacy and convenient storage facilities.
A joint production of diamond tools with NPP Sistema (Minsk) was opened. Since December 2002, RosBel dental burs have been mass-produced for different types of handpieces.
Established: “Diamond Tool Production Section”

May 31
Registered LLC "SC" VladMiVa "
Opening of the "Dental Center"
Opening of a branch in Lyubertsy
Seminar for dealers on the basis of the sanatorium "Krasivo"

Two new subdivisions of the VladMiVa group of companies have been registered:
LLC "TsKU" VladMiVa ";
May 06
A line for the production of dental wax "Belovaks" was opened
"Technological site No. 2" was created
Construction of a new building for the diamond burs production site has begun
The first edition of the booklet "DENTAL DRILLS "ROSBEL"
Created "Advertising Department"

liquids – MEGADEZ series
Production of a series of materials "Kaleidoscope" for pediatric dentistry has begun
The "Central Factory Laboratory" was created

Commercial production of ceramic crucibles for dental technicians has been mastered

We started producing osteoplastic materials for implantology, surgical dentistry and maxillofacial surgery.
Created "Section of mechanical processing"

In December 2010, the Department of Medico-Technical Systems was established jointly with the National Research University of BelSU as part of the implementation of R&D according to Resolution 218.
Created "Section of osteoplastic materials"
Polymer Dentistry

Certification of production for compliance with the requirements of the QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ISO 13485-2003
25th of April
Launched a new version of the site with an online store.
Start of work on the project under Decree No. 218 together with BelSU
November 28
Housewarming at the new production site Technological site No. 2 (cements, waxes, crucibles). 3,500 m2 of space put into operation on Studencheskaya, 52

The first brochure describing the properties and characteristics of BIOPLAST-DENT and KLIPDENT surgical materials was published
September 22nd
Celebrated the 20th anniversary of the enterprise on the basis of the natural park "Nezhegol"
Created by: "Section of abrasive tools"

"VladMiVa" is a participant in the "HEALTH" program, according to which medical dental care was organized for children of preschool and primary school age from orphanages.
The construction of a new administrative and production building has begun (Studencheskaya St., 52)
August 23
“We produce the materials of the future today!” - a new specialized catalog "COMPOSITE MATERIALS" was released, which illustrated a perfect assortment, widely demonstrating materials for a full cycle of restoration.
November 18th
The Governor of the Belgorod Region, E. S. Savchenko, visited the production site of the VladMiVa enterprise (Studencheskaya St., 52).

March 4
The first certified nanocomposite in Russia! The VladMiVa enterprise, among the first, was certified in the "CENTER FOR CERTIFICATION OF PRODUCTS AND MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IN THE SPHERE OF NANOINDUSTRY" (ANO "NANOCERTIFIKA"). A CERTIFICATE OF CONFORMITY for the DentLight light-curing composite microhybrid filling kit was received.
Obtaining a diploma and the sign "Russian Nanotechnological Products" - SEZ "VladMiVa" was among the first 25 innovative enterprises that received the right to mark their products with this sign.
An EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM was developed jointly with Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, RUSNANO State Corporation and VladMiVa. Joint efforts created an electronic training course for distance education in the field of application of dental materials based on nanotechnologies.
10 September
Biomaterials - simple and affordable! New catalog "SURGICAL OSTEOPLASTIC MATERIALS". The catalog contains detailed application schemes and a number of new products in the range.
Established: "Section for the production of blanks"

Heads of departments of the SEZ "VladMiVa" have successfully completed the training on "Risk Management in the Production Environment".
May 29
We celebrated Chemist's Day and housewarming at the new site!
The construction of the Industrial and Consumer Complex at 52, Studencheskaya St. has been completed. All production sites are concentrated on one site.
The total production area is about 20,000 square meters. m. The leaders of the company cut the red ribbon, handed Letters of Thanks to the builders and Diplomas to employees of sites and departments.
At the end of the holiday, congratulations from the units were heard, and everyone was given champagne and sweet gifts (cake!) Hooray!
July 8
State registration received - ZZM LLC
The company is engaged in the development, production and sale of various products for dental technicians.
Established: "Production Assurance Department"
Opening of a branch in Bryansk
Nominee of the competition "Award of Development" in the nomination The best project in the field of innovation and high technology: "Creation of the production of biocompatible composite calcium-containing osteoplastic and therapeutic and prophylactic materials for medicine."
Inclusion of CJSC “SEZ “VladMiVa” in the List of organizations that have a significant impact on industries and trade. This recognition speaks of the importance and relevance of our work.
September 1
More than 70 types of products, including light-curing filling materials and materials for dental work: DentLight and Nolatek.
On New Year's Eve, a festive exhibition of children's drawings was held, which was attended by children of employees under the age of 14. The youngest "artist" is only 3 months old. All participants of the exhibition received memorable prizes and sweet gifts from the administration of the VladMiVa enterprise.

Dental Center "VladMiVa" is recognized as the winner in the nomination "The Best Small Business Entity"
The construction of the Temple-Chapel has begun
November 12 - illumination of the cross,
November 26 - installation of the dome.
Expansion of the network of branches - opening in Tula
September 22nd
Opening of a nominal auditorium at NRU BelSU
At the Medical Institute of the National Research University "BelSU" the grand opening of the nominal auditorium of the enterprise "VladMiVa" took place. Vladimir Chuev, Director General of SEZ VladMiVa, congratulated the university staff on its 140th anniversary and spoke about the enterprise's cooperation with BelSU in the framework of the import substitution program.
10th of November
Nominee for the national award in the field of import substitution "Priority-2016" in the nomination "Priority-Med" for the light-curing filling composite microhybrid material "DentLight".
We rebranded the corporate identity.
We started the reconstruction of the premises at the new site (Michurina, 81).

Christmas performance for the children of employees in the Winter Garden (production site of the SEZ "VladMiVa", Studencheskaya, 52)
January 17
According to numerous proposals for specialists in the cosmetology industry, we have developed and published in a printed version a convenient, visual, colorful catalog "MATERIALS FOR COSMETOLOGY".
10th of March
As part of the working trip, Governor of the Belgorod Region Evgeny Savchenko and Mayor Konstantin Polezhaev inspected the VladMiVa enterprise and held a working meeting with heads of medical and chemical enterprises of the Belgorod agglomeration.
April 20-22, Moscow, Crocus Expo
For the first time, the VladMiVa company is trying its hand at the world of beauty and health at the international cosmetology exhibition INTERCHARM professional 2017.
April 19
Within the framework of the Week of Science, the NRU "BelSU" hosted a ceremony of presenting certificates of awarding a scholarship to JSC "SEZ VladMiVa", the first winners were distinguished students of the 3rd year of the Faculty of Dentistry of the Medical Institute, and the 4th year of the Institute of Engineering and Natural Sciences of the National Research University "BelSU".
June 1st
VladMiVa Dental Center celebrated International Children's Day with a bright and interesting performance for young patients
12 June
Championship of dental excellence in Belgorod.
On the day of the celebration of the Day of Russia, the Belgorod region receives the winners of regional competitions of dental excellence. On the basis of the NRU BelSU, the final of the All-Russian competition is being held in two categories: “Aesthetic restoration of teeth” and “Medical teeth whitening”.
August 4
On the city board of honor of Belgorod! This year, the title of "Leader in the implementation of innovations, information technologies" was given to "Trading House "VladMiVa".
8 September
The book “VLADMIVA: 25 years of development and innovation” has been published, which provides a historical outline of the VladMiVa holding. Extensive data characterizing the enterprise are given; tells about the formation, development and present day of the company. The publication contains rich illustrated material and is intended for a wide range of readers.
September 22nd
The consecration of a new church in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine took place. The rite of consecration of the temple, located on the territory of the VladMiVa Experimental Plant, was performed by Metropolitan John of Belgorod and Stary Oskol.
September 29
Solemn events dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the company "VladMiVa" were held in the large concert hall of the Belgorod State Philharmonic. The program includes a Festive concert with the participation of distinguished ensembles and a buffet table accompanied by a string ensemble.
November 8-10
Within the framework of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference "STOMATOLOGY OF THE SLAVIC STATES", the VladMiVa Company celebrated its
25th anniversary with colleagues, business partners.
Representatives of more than 30 business partner companies from all over Russia and 17 companies - partners of the foreign trade department arrived. Also dentists, scientists and leading specialists of various foundations. In total, the celebration was attended by more than 165 people.

In the Belgorod State Philharmonic, a solemn ceremony of awarding the prize to them. V.G. Shukhov. The award is given for scientific and technical research, development and implementation in the field of science, technology and technology for the production of materials and products from them.
Among the awarded are our colleagues: POSOHOVA VERA FYODOROVNA (senior researcher of the SEZ "VLADMIVA") - laureate of the II degree in the nomination "Innovative medicine" and ZAVALISCHEV NIKOLAY NIKOLAEVICH (chief engineer of the SEZ "VLADMIVA") laureate of the II degree in the nomination "Technologies of bioengineering and nanotechnology" »
February 21
Obtained a license to carry out educational activities LLC "Institute of Additional Dental Education VEL".
The VladMiVa Educational Center is an advanced private educational institution with all the necessary technical and scientific base.
2nd of March
In Belgorod, the XI Open regional competition of professional skills in hairdressing, decorative cosmetics, nail service and combined pedicure was held. VLADMIVA company participated as a general sponsor of the event.
June 4
Anniversary of the General Director of the holding "VladMiVa"!
The Governor of the Belgorod Region came to congratulate Vladimir Petrovich on his 60th birthday. Evgeny Stepanovich Savchenko awarded him the medal "For Merit to the Belgorod Land" I degree.
the 9th of June
P. S. Dorokhin, Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, President of the National Union of People’s and Collective Enterprises, member of the State Duma Committee on Defense, member of the State Duma Commission on Legal Support for the Development of Organizations of the Military-Industrial Complex of the Russian Federation, paid a working visit to the VladMiVa holding , Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party.
July 7
The opening of the Children's city of masters "Masterslavl" took place.
"Masterslavl" is the only interactive educational project in the Chernozem region for children from 5 to 14 years old. This is a miniature model of a real city, where young Belgorod residents can learn various professions in 35 themed workshops. Among them is the VladMiVa workshop, which was opened by Vladimir Chuev, General Director of the VladMiVa Holding, and Valentin Chuev, Chief Physician of the VladMiVa Dental Center.
August 3rd
Again among the leaders!
In a solemn atmosphere, the mayor of the city Konstantin Polezhaev and the chairman of the Belgorod City Council Sergey Glagolev presented certificates of inclusion on the city Board of Honor to the collectives and workers of the city.
Pilot plant "VladMiVa" was recognized as the winner in the nomination "Enterprise - a leader in the implementation of innovations, information technologies."
August 13
The winner of the contest "Our White City!"
On the territory of the production and household complex “SEZ “VladMiVa” there is a “paradise place”, where everyone receives only positive emotions. The beauty of the alpine slide and other forms of landscaping was appreciated not only by the employees of the enterprise, but also by the strict jury of the competition.
VladMiVa is among the winners of 2018!
26 July
A group of 24 people, which included representatives of the city of Belgorod, the Belgorod region (Shebekino, Chernyanka), Moscow, the city of Orel, conquered the highest point of the Caucasus - Mount Elbrus (5642 m). Among this group, which dedicated the ascent to the anniversary of the Battle of Kursk, was Sergei Ivanovich Lavrov. On the morning of July 26, the flag of the VladMiVa company was unfurled on the top of Elbrus.
6 September
A teaching aid on Endodontics has been published.
September 21 and 22
In Belgorod, a festival of science of the South-West of Russia was held. The unlimited possibilities of scientific knowledge were demonstrated within the framework of the VIII All-Russian Festival NAUKA 0+ in the status of the Central Regional Platform. "VladMiVa" continues to carry out educational work among children and adolescents, so the company's stand in the "HEALTH ACADEMY" section was very informative and attracted the attention of visitors.
October 11
Pilot Experimental Plant "VladMiVa" was visited by participants of the first Russian-Uzbek Youth Business Incubator, held at the site of the Belgorod State National Research University.
The opening of the Board of Honor of the “Trading House “VladMiVa” took place. It contains portraits of those employees who have made the most significant contribution to the success of the unit.
The design of the assembly hall in the Trading House (Michurina, 81) has been completed.
December 6
The experts of the Russian Export Center JSC conducted an independent assessment of the competencies and foreign economic potential of the VladMiVa company, checked the products for compliance with the requirements of Russian legislation. Based on the results, a decision was made to allow JSC “SEZ “VladMiVa” to apply the Mark of Conformity “Made in Russia”.
December 7
For the first time we celebrated the Patronal Feast of the Holy Great Martyr Catherine. A festive liturgy was held. The rite of illumination of the new icon of St. vmch. Catherine was made by Metropolitan of Belgorod and Starooskolsky John.
Father Vasily consecrated the premises in the Trading House, (Michurina, 81). Then a celebratory meal was held in the VladMiVa cafe.

In the Belgorod State Philharmonic, a solemn ceremony of awarding the prize to them. V.G. Shukhov.
The award was presented for the second time. It was established in 2017 to preserve the scientific, technical and industrial potential of the region and create conditions for new discoveries.
Among the awarded BUZOV ANDREY ANATOLYEVICH - (Technical Director) - I degree award for organizing the production of innovative import-substituting composites for dentistry.
VladMiVa sponsored the youth team of the Spartak football club (Belgorod). Young athletes, at the next tournament, took to the field in T-shirts with the VLADMIVA logo!
March 29
Within the framework of the XIX All-Russian Congress on Dental Implantology, an Interdisciplinary Scientific and Practical Conference was held in honor of the 60th anniversary of the Moscow Regional Association of Dentists and Maxillofacial Surgeons and the Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery of the GBUZ MO MONIKI. M.F. Vladimirsky (Moscow), which brought together famous dentists and specialists in the field of maxillofacial surgery.
The VladMiVa company, the platinum partner of this event, presented osteoplastic surgical materials of its own production.
April 2
JSC Experimental Plant VladMiVa became a participant in the priority project of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia “Support for private high-tech leading companies”. The company became the leader of the Russian rating of fast-growing high-tech companies and entered the top twenty in the "small enterprises" category.
April 9
For managers of the Trading House and managers of all branches, employees of the scientific department held an information and training seminar on product innovations that were developed in 2018 and on products that will be presented at the April exhibition.
The site of surgical, osteoplastic materials moved to a new production site (Studencheskaya, 19).
April 30
A meeting of exporters of the Belgorod region was held at the site of the VladMiVa Trading House.
Before the start of the event, Sergey Krivoshapov, Commercial Director of Trade House "VladMiVa", conducted an introductory tour for the participants of the meeting around the office and warehouse premises.
May, 23rd
The long-awaited grand opening of the Trade House and Educational Center "VladMiVa" took place. The general director of the holding, Vladimir Petrovich Chuev, and Andronova Elena Alekseevna, deputy head of the department of health and social protection of the population of the Belgorod region, addressed the participants and guests with a welcoming speech.
The event was held within the framework of the scientific and practical conference of dentists of the Central Federal District “Organization of screening diagnostics of precancerous diseases of the oral mucosa and cancer. principles of their organization.
The company "VladMiVa" has received a CE certificate (CE Certificate) - a European certificate of conformity, which confirms that our products comply with the regulatory requirements of the European Union.
Obtaining the certificate was the result of the hard work of the entire holding team.
July, 12
The governor of the region, E. Savchenko, signed Decree No. 565-r “ON THE CREATION OF A WORLD LEVEL SCIENTIFIC AND EDUCATIONAL CENTER.” The Supervisory Board of the world-class scientific and educational center in the Belgorod region "Innovative solutions in the agro-industrial complex" approved by this document included V. Chuev, General Director of JSC "SEZ "VladMiVa", and A. Buzov, Technical Director JSC “SEZ “VladMiVa”.
From 28 to 31 August
The 21st Annual Congress of the Chinese Dental Association was held in Shanghai (China), within the framework of which the 3rd Forum for the Development of Dentistry of the Neighboring Countries of China was held.
For the first time, Vladimir Chuev, General Director of VladMiVa Holding, took part in the event. On August 29, an official meeting was held with the President of the Chinese Dental Association Prof. YU Guangyan, as well as numerous negotiations with other representatives of the associations of countries gathered at the event in Shanghai.
Nov. 1
The first "Tea Party at VladMiVa" took place in the educational center "VladMiVa". It brought together over 20 dentists from Belgorod and Stary Oskol at one table.
The guest lecturer was Vita Alekseevna Borozentseva, head of the therapeutic department of the MCCA NRU “BelSU”, as a guest lecturer.
November 23
The official opening of the VladMiVa Health and Beauty Studio took place. As the head of the VladMiVa holding, Vladimir Petrovich Chuev, said: “We have another daughter!
December 18
The autonomous non-profit organization "Center for Coordination of Support for Export-Oriented Small and Medium-Sized Businesses of the Belgorod Region" with the support of the Department of Economic Development of the Belgorod Region annually holds the "Exporter of the Year" contest. The Trading House "VladMiVa" was recognized as the winner in the "Geography of Export" nomination.
We started the reconstruction of production areas (blank section) and the construction of a new building (for the diamond tools section).

The UAE International Dental Conference & Arab Dental Exhibition (AEEDC Dubai 2020) is the largest event in the Middle East and North Africa region and the third largest in the world in the field of dentistry.
The delegation of the company "VladMiVa" took part in this important professional event, presenting both novelties and products traditionally in demand.
February 8
Andrey Ilyich Yaremenko, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, President of the Dental Association of St. Petersburg, Chief Dentist Andrei Ilyich Yaremenko, gave a lecture on the topic “Medical documentation in court and in practice” at the Institute of Additional Dental Education “VladMiVa”.
The audience was 40 dentists from Belgorod, the Belgorod region and other regions of the Central Federal District.
21 March
At the Institute of Additional Dental Education "VladMiVa" a lecture day was held with Andrey Akulovich, who told dentists about modern methods for eliminating tooth discoloration.
In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially for all of us, we have developed a new, more convenient to use, gel form of the MEGASEPT skin antiseptic.
22nd of May
Received the international certificate ISO 13485 from one of the most authoritative registration bodies of the European Union, which confirms that our products comply with the regulatory requirements of the EU countries.
May 29
In an open letter to practicing dentists, a number of domestic manufacturers (the initiator is VladMiVa) proposed to support their initiative and reduce the prices for their dental services by 20 percent or more for the period from June 1 to the end of 2020.
The section for the production of blanks has moved to a new building, significantly expanding its production capacity! Modern CNC machines are housed in spacious workshops. Comfortable workplaces have been created for the site employees.
July 23
The educational and methodical manual “Endodontics. Tools, materials and methods" for students of dental faculties, as well as for the system of postgraduate education.
August 1
The long-awaited opening of a new pharmacy point "VladMiVa" in the city of Kursk took place.
August 14
Opening of a new wholesale and retail store in Voronezh. The assortment of the store includes products not only manufactured by VladMiVa, but also other domestic and foreign manufacturers for dentistry, general medicine, cosmetology, nail service and podology. (Voronezh, Tchaikovsky st. 8)
September 30th
The first international conference "Time to Export" was held in the RIVIERA Congress Center.
The organizers of the event are the Department of Economic Development of the Belgorod Region and the Export Support Center of the Belgorod Region. Representatives of government agencies, development institutions, business and industry associations, as well as businesses - more than 140 participants - met at one site.
Employees of the Trading House "VladMiVa" had the opportunity to ask questions to representatives of JSC "Russian Export Center" in India, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Azerbaijan.
December 3
On the eve of Volunteer Day celebrations, Acting Governor of the Belgorod Region Vyacheslav Gladkov presented medals “For a disinterested contribution to the organization of the All-Russian Mutual Assistance Campaign “#We Are Together”. The award was established this year by the President of Russia. Letters of thanks and medals on behalf of the head of state were awarded to 165 volunteers and partners of the All-Russian Mutual Aid Action in the Belgorod Region.
Among the awarded - JSC "SEZ "VladMiVa".
9th December
On December 9, 2020, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia held an industry forum "Khimprom in Detail", where representatives of business, science and development institutions discussed the directions for the development of the Russian chemical complex, ways to increase investment attractiveness.
JSC "SEZ "VladMiVa" - the winner in the nomination

A seminar for managers selling consumables for CAD/CAM was held at VladMiVa Trading House. The speaker, CEO and founder of Medica 3D, Sergey Gavrilov, spoke about what CAD/CAM technologies are, why the manufacture of prostheses using them is so in demand among dentists and dental technicians.
V.P. Chuev, General Director of the VladMiVa holding, visited Nizhny Novgorod.
During negotiations with the participation of the founder of NPP 3D Additive Technologies LLC Kirill Belov and the company's CEO Kirill Kornilov, an agreement was reached on cooperation on a wide range of issues from organizing an educational course on the use of photopolymers in dentistry to the production of photopolymers according to specified parameters especially for VladMiVa ".
March 11th
A VladMiVa store for podologists and nail technicians has been opened in Belgorod (Apanasenko St.)
March 23
New specialized catalog “Digital Dentistry. 3D printing. CAD/CAM»
April 23
At the Faculty of Dentistry of the First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov hosted the 10th Anniversary Lecture Day - a traditional event in the framework of educational programs of pre- and postgraduate education.
The company "VladMiVa" took part in this event, presenting to the participants the novelties of its own production.
May 31
Official opening of the new production site. (Technological site No. 3, Studencheskaya st., 52)
15 jobs created. The site organizes the production of dental (Angidrin, Belodez 3%, 5.2%, BelSol No. 2, Capramine) and disinfectant liquids (Megadez, Megasept, Megadez-spray, Megadez forte, Megadez ortho). The output is 5 thousand units per day.
Social dentistry Belogorye!
"VLADMIVA" is one of the undisputed leaders among Belgorod enterprises. That is why, among the main investment projects of VLADMIVA, is Belogorye Social Dentistry in Stary Oskol, a vivid example of a successful public-private partnership.