Events, exhibitions and publications

About company

VladMiVa is a large holding that includes companies involved in the development, production and sale of materials, tools and equipment for dentistry, the largest dental clinic in Belgorod.

We produce more than 300 types of dental products, which are supplied to more than 40
countries of the world

Distributing facilities


Department of NRU BELSU

To bring the quality of products to a new level, a new cooperation project "Vladmiva" and NRU "BelGU" is being implemented. Scientists of the NRU "BelSU" are working on the creation of new dental alloys based on cobalt and chromium. German equipment and consumables were purchased for the necessary operations. The result of the project will be dental burs with improved quality diamond heads. Scientists will develop a technology for producing blanks, applying a functional coating, and creating a metal dental powder

Our partners


Trading House VLADMIVA
308002, st. Michurina, 81d
+7 (4722) 200-555 доб. 718
Representative office