20 June 2022

"National Champion VLADMIV". V. V. Chuev gave an interview to the magazine "Stimulus"

For the 25th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the Stimulus magazine about innovations in Russia published a special issue dedicated to the issues of import substitution in the Russian economy. Among the most significant publications is an interview with Valentin Vladimirovich Chuev, Development Director of the VLADMIVA group of companies. He spoke about how VLADMVA met the new economic reality, what difficulties the company has to overcome, and what development prospects have been outlined over the past few months.

Valentin Vladimirovich Chuev said that today VLADMIVA produces more than 450 types of materials and instruments for all areas of dentistry, including therapy, surgery, endodontics, orthopedics and orthodontics. The current economic situation, according to Chuev, opened up great prospects for VLADMIVA: “the cost of imported materials soared 2-5 times, and Russian only by 10-15%, and orders poured into domestic manufacturers.” In this regard, today the company is actively expanding production.

However, there are also problems, in particular, of a regulatory nature. Due to the fact that Western producers of raw materials unilaterally stopped deliveries, production has to adapt. And to change the recipe, components, equipment, as Valentin Vladimirovich Chuev notes, is very difficult. “This procedure is not easy, it takes several months at best, and sometimes up to a year,” Chuev notes, “Imagine the amount of work if we produce more than four hundred and fifty types of unique products.”

“It’s obvious to us,” says V.V. Chuev, “that if the government listens to our appeal, then all these procedures – registration, procurement, which today, unfortunately, have suffered very much due to sanctions, – will be revived as soon as possible. And this should have a positive impact on the quality of products, on the timing of production, and will contribute to the development of new areas that are not yet available in our country.”

You can read the full text of the publication on the Stimul magazine website: https://stimul.online/articles/kompaniya/zuby-sobstvennogo-proizvodstva/

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